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ForUm is a Network for Urban Future in Southeast Asia which is linking Southeast Asian and German experts. The network is sponsored by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

The Urban Challenge

Challenges and problems of urban and peri-urban regions and their development is becoming more and more apparent. Conflict prevention and crisis management are crucial factors. Cities are subject to increasing socio-economic vulnerability as well as socio-spatial and institutional fragmentation, segregation, disparities and conflicts.

Network of Southeast Asian and German Experts

Networking of Expertise and Experiences
Networking for a North-South-South Co-operation
Networking for Conflict Prevention
Networking for Life Long Learning

Partner Countries

Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Germany

Participants from

Universities, Development Agencies, Urban Planning, Government and Non - Government Bodies, Economy, etc.

International Conferences

Summer Schools and Expert Seminars, Scientific Presentations and Discussion, Regional Case Studies, Best Practises Excursions, Authentic Field Expertise, Postgraduate Trainin


Prof. Dr. Frauke Kraas, University of Cologne, Institute of Geography