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November 2024: WUF12 Conference

The Twelfth Session of the World Urban Forum WUF12, convened by the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat), will take place in Cairo, Egypt, from 4 to 8 November 2024. Click here for more information.

ASEAN Sustainable Urbanisation Strategy

Abstract: Half of ASEAN peoples already live in urban areas and a further 70 million people are expected to live in the regions urban areas by 2025. Creating sustainable and liveable cities in ASEAN will be crucial to narrowing the existing development gaps, strengthening resilience, promoting innovations, improving well-being, and enhancing connectivity among ASEAN peoples. The ASEAN Sustainable Urbanisation Strategy (ASUS) consists of seven priority sub-areas and eight priority actions identified based on the analysis of key trends impacting urbanisation in ASEAN and stocktake of existing actions related to sustainable urbanisation. As part of ASUS, two accompanying toolkits are also available to assist local governments in ASEAN to advance sustainable urbanisation in their cities. The first toolkit, aims to provide cities with a practical guide for how they can prioritise key sub-areas of sustainable urbanisation (and associated actions) on which to focus. The second toolkit, provides implementation templates for 8 priority actions that cities can then customise to their specific contexts. Download

February 2024: APFSD Side event

The Rise of New and Emerging Cities in Asia: Leveraging VLRs for a Sustainable Urban Future. 22 February 2024 in Bangkok, Thailand. Click here for more information.

October 2023: Call for applications for climate protection fellowships of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation

The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation is awarding up to 15 international climate protection fellowships to aspiring leaders and up to five fellowships to postdoctoral fellows from non-European transition or developing countries. Applications are open until February 1, 2024. The young climate experts will come to Germany for 12-24 months to work with a host of their choice on a research-related project or long-term academic research. The project should focus on climate change mitigation, adaptation strategies, ecosystem and biodiversity conservation, or sustainable use of the oceans and seas. Also, sustainability issues related to natural resources, resource-efficient consumption, or urban development are also welcome.

More information about the project and the application is available here.

July 2022: IGC Paris

  • IGU Urban Geography Commission Annual Conference – from 23rd to 27th July 2022.
  • Theme: "Urban Restructuring, Property Development and Changes in Cityscapes"

June 2022: WUF11 Conference

The theme of WUF11, Transforming our Cities for a Better Urban Future, provided greater insights and clarity on the future of cities based on existing trends, challenges and opportunities, as well as suggest ways cities can be better prepared to address future pandemics and a wide range of other shocks. From 26-30 June 2022 in Katowice, Poland. Click here for more information.

November 2021: Web Series about the new Leipzig Charta

"Strengthening Urban Policy in the EU"

Integrating the Principles of the New Leipzig Charter into the Urban Agenda for the EU // 18. November 2021 // 10:00 - 15:15 // Online. Please visit:

July 2021: Smart City, Village, and Region

January 2021: Smart City Conference to Sustainable Urban Development" ference

January 2021: The Future of Asian  Pacific Cities. Manuals and Training Materials

July 2020: Smart City, Village, and Region Summer Course 2020

For further information, please visit

February 2020: WUF10 Conference

For further information, please visit

November 2019: AURA Conference in Ho Chi Minh City

For further information, please visit

October 2019: "Progressive Once More": Rejuvenating Mid-Century Modern Architecture in Southeast Asia

For further information, please visit

August 2019: ASEAN Smart Cities Network Annual Meeting

For further information, please visit

July 2018 Smart City, Village, and Region Summer Course 2018

For further information, please visit

February 2018: WUF9 Conference

The Ninth Session of the World Urban Forum will be the first session to focus on the implementation of the New Urban Agenda adopted in Habitat III. WUF9 will be instrumental to substantively feed into the inputs for the first report of the implementation of the New Urban Agenda.

For further information, please visit

January 2018: Asian Urbanization Conference

This 14th International Asian Urbanization Conference is being jointly organized by King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang (KMITL) and Khon Kaen University (KKU), Thailand, in association with the Asian Urban Research Association (AURA). The conference aimed to discuss sustainable devlopement goals in Asia. 

Visit the conference website for further information.

October 2016: HABITAT III Conference

The third United Nations Habitat Conference will take place in Ecuador's city of Quito from the 17th - 20th of October 2016. The conference is based on the commitments of the HABITAT II conference, which took place in Istanbul in 1996, and will focus on housing and sustainable urban development.

For further information, please visit

July - August 2016: Informal Intergovernmental Meeting

An informal intergovernmental meeting dealing with the preparation of the HABITAT III took place in New York from the 29th of June and the 1st of August.

For further information, please visit

June 2016: German Habitat Forum

The German Habitat Forum took place in Berlin from the 1st - 2nd of June 2016. The forum functions as an international dialogue stage for politicians, scientists, the civil society and the economy to prepare and to interchange information for the HABITAT III Conference in Quito, Ecuador.

For further information, please visit or follow the link to read the WBGU report "Humanity on the move: Unlocking the transformative power of cities"

December 2014: Urban Lecture Series

The Global Urban Lecture Series gathers expertise and experience from renowned international scholars and professionals who excel in their fields, and shares this knowledge with a wide audience of urban actors. The lecturers are associated with UN-Habitat, universities, think-tanks, governments, NGOs, and private sector institutions.
All Global Urban Lectures are available online, free of charge.

For further informations, please click here or visit the UN-Habitat YouTube-channel.

April 2014: World Urban Forum Medellín, Colombia

Please visit the website of UN-HABITAT to get all the informations about the World Urban Forum in Medellín 2014.

March 2014: UN ESCAP Publication on Regional Perspectives on Sustainable Development

Get the free download here:

Abstract: “The Future We Want”, the outcome document of the Rio+20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, reaffirmed the significance of regional frameworks that complement and facilitate effective translation of sustainable development policies into concrete action. This joint publication of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP), the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (UNECLAC), and the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (UNESCWA) focuses on the key role the regional commissions play in addressing these challenges and supporting the work to advance sustainable development.

September 2012: New ForUm Seminar in Cologne

Dear colleagues and friends of ForUm network,

With the financial support of the DAAD the University of Cologne is conducting an Expert meeting
on “Urban Natural and Social Risk Management in Southeast Asia” .
By this event we are seeking to provide a further discussion platform for new approaches and best practises
in the field of urban risk management and looking much forward to an intensive exchange of reports and research findings.

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July 2012: Managing Heritage Cities in Asia and Europe

Managing Heritage Cities in Asia and Europe:
the Role of Public-Private Partnerships Experts’ Meeting & Public Forum

In preparation for the 5th ASEM Culture Ministers’ Meeting 2012
12-14 July 2012 Yogyakarta, Indonesia

The Asia-Europe Foundation1 (ASEF) and Universitas Gadjah Mada2 (UGM) are co-organising a public forum and an experts’ meeting on the topic of on public-private partnerships (PPP) in the management of heritage cities and historic urban landscapes this July in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The meeting will gather around 25 governmental and civil experts from member countries of the Asia-Europe Meeting3 (ASEM) to discuss a current topic affecting a major shift in the understanding of ‘cultural heritage’ at the global level, following the adoption of the new Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape by UNESCO’s General Conference in November 2011. The outcomes of the Experts’ Meeting will serve as civil society inputs to the 5th ASEM Culture Ministers’ Meeting (September 2012, Indonesia), which will address the theme “Managing Heritage Cities for a Sustainable Future.”

Further Information:

APD - Alumniportal Deutschland

Alumniportal Deutschland - Network for the Alumni trained in Germany, for companies and organisations

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